Monthly Meeting April 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Monthly Meeting April 2023

Monthly Meeting April 2023

April 26, 2023 | Other Activities

The April 2023 Monthly Meeting was held on Wednesday (26/04) same as the first working day after the Idul Fitri holiday at the Kolaka Regency BPS Office. This activity was moderated by Ashadi, SE., and led by the Head of the Kolaka Regency Statistics Center, Ade Ida Mane, SST., M.Sc. The meeting began with remarks by the meeting leader who discussed FKP preparations and office hours returning to normal after the month of Ramadan.

Furthermore, reporting is carried out in each section, namely first, the Nerwilis Team reports on the evaluation of the quarterly survey that has been completed. Then it was continued by the IPDS Team with a report regarding the implementation of the Data Needs Survey (SKD) that had been carried out and evaluation of partners who registered in the SOBAT application for FKP activities. The Social Team also reports evaluation of the implementation of the FKP trial in 5 sub-districts and preparations for the implementation of the FKP. For the Distribution Team, it explains the evaluation of monthly routine activities that have been 100% implemented and annual routines that are still in the implementation stage. Evaluation of monthly routine activities is also reported by the Production TEam, namely 100% monthly activities have been carried out and evaluation of quarterly activities which are still in progress due to obstacles and discussions regarding the preparation plan for ST2023 training activities which will be held in May.

The final report submitted by the General Subdivision includes employee attendance which in May will no longer use the Kaizala application but BPS Presence, evaluation of the preparation of the employee's annual SKP, and FKP trial administrative documents to be completed immediately both physically and softfile. The monthly meeting was then closed by the moderator and a message from the Head of the Kolaka Regency BPS to prepare carefully for the next month's activities and carry out their duties effectively and efficiently
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