March 29, 2023 | Other Activities
The regular monthly
meeting was held again at the end of March, Wednesday (29/03) at the Kolaka
District Office of the Central Bureau of Statistics. The purpose of this
regular meeting is to report all work results and constraints for a full month
as well as plans to be implemented in the next month. At 08.00 WITA the meeting
began and was chaired by the Head of the Kolaka Regency BPS, Ade Ida Mane,
SST., M.Sc., and moderated by Hasnawati P.
The first agenda in the
regular monthly meeting is a progress report from each team, starting with the
IPDS Team which reports its performance results covering the processing of
Research, Social, and Economic Research and Research, followed by the Social
Team which reports on the progress of SUSENAS and the implementation of the
Research and Research FKP which will be implemented in the month next.
Furthermore, the Production Team reported the results of the KSA corn, tiles
including rice, crops, and sweet potatoes as well as the progress of recruiting
ST2023 officers. Meanwhile, the Distribution Team reported on distribution
activities such as the Trade Survey. E-commerce survey, SPDT IHPB, and IKK and
STKU quarterly. The Balance Sheet team also reported on the progress of the
PDRB publication as well as the SKTNP and SINASI briefings.
In addition to these
teams, the General Section and treasurer also reported performance over the
last month. After the agenda of performance reports and plans, followed by
quarterly best employee announcements. In this announcement, Fikron Tanazzul
Ahsani, S.Tr.Stat was selected as the best employee this quarter with a score
of 98.00.
At 12.00 WITA the monthly meeting was closed after the question session ended. The Head of BPS Kolaka Regency as the meeting leader closed the meeting with a message for employees to always doing job well and on time so they can get maximum performance for the results.
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Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) Maret 2023 Kabupaten Kolaka
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kolaka (Statistics of Kolaka Regency)Jl. Pahlawan No.75
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