BPS Kolaka Regency July 2023 Monthly Routine Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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BPS Kolaka Regency July 2023 Monthly Routine Meeting

BPS Kolaka Regency July 2023 Monthly Routine Meeting

July 31, 2023 | Other Activities

Monday (31/7), a routine meeting held at the end of each month was held at the Kolaka Regency Central Bureau of Statistics. This meeting was chaired by the Head of BPS Kolaka Regency, Ade Ida Mane, S.ST., M.Sc., and moderated by Rohmah Dini Ayunda Mustofa, S.Tr.Stat. This activity was opened with an explanation from the leader of the meeting regarding the results of the meeting in Karawang which included the implementation of Complete Data Collection activities for Cooperatives and MSMEs as well as checking the progress of ST2023 regarding error and duplicate documents.

Furthermore, each function describes activities that have been carried out in July and plans to be carried out in August. First, the Nerwilis Function describes the PMTB enumeration that has been completed 100% and the Quarterly GRDP that has been compiled. Meanwhile, the IPDS function explained that activities include processing ST2023, SKD 100%, EPSS, KCDA which are currently in process. The meeting then continued to the Social Function with a 100% SERUTI report and preparation for Sakernas EA training and routines. The Distribution Function reports on the completed routine survey in July and the SKU Training activities which will be held on 6-9 August. Then it is continued by the Production Function which explains the routine surveys as well as KSA and tiles that have been carried out. In addition, it also reported the progress of ST2023 in the second month.

The last two functions are the General and Financial Functions which also report regarding attendance, Daily Reborn, CKP, administrative completeness of Assignment Letters, and determination of difficult areas. After all reporting functions the meeting was closed by the moderator with a little closing from the meeting leader to carry out ST2023 progress because July was over.
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