Officer Training for National Economic Survey (SUSENAS) MSBP and SERUTI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Officer Training for National Economic Survey (SUSENAS) MSBP and SERUTI

Officer Training for National Economic Survey (SUSENAS) MSBP and SERUTI

September 6, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #Data Friends

The opening ceremony for field officer training for the National Economic Survey (SUSENAS) MSBP and Quarterly Household Economic Survey (SERUTI) Quarter III September 2024 was held at the Zam-Zam Hotel on Tuesday (3/9). Head of BPS Kolaka Regency, Ade Ida Mane, S.ST., M.Sc., opened this training event directly at 08.00 WITA.

This training lasts for two days online and three days offline. SUSENAS MSBP and SERUTI Quarter III were attended by 20 officers consisting of 7 field examiners and 13 field data collectors.

This activity went well starting from the presentation by the National Instructor, Fikron Tanazzul Ahsani, S.Tr.Stat. to roleplaying and evaluation. At the closing event it was announced that the best participants consisted of one organic and one partner. The best organic participant was achieved by Sapari while the best partner was achieved by Yuliana.

The event was officially closed on Thursday (5/9) by the Head of the General Sub Division of BPS Kolaka Regency, Agung Darwin, SST. At the end of the closure, it is hoped that field officers can carry out data collection well and smoothly.

Let's continue to advance the nation together with data!
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