The National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) for August 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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The National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) for August 2024

The National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) for August 2024

July 18, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #SahabatData

On Wednesday (17/07) and Thursday (18/07), the National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (SAKERNAS) for August 2024 was held at the Xpress Hotel in Kolaka Regency. This training began with independent recitation on the previous two days and continued with offline training.

The number of officers trained was 28 people with two regional instructors consisting of the regional instrument instructor, Darmin Laipo, S.Stat., and the regional instructor Fasih, Muh. Shamad, SST. The training went smoothly and well and there were many discussions between the regional instructors and prospective officers. Before the closing, an evaluation and post-test were carried out which aimed to measure how well the prospective officers understood the training material that had been explained so that when the data collection was carried out it could run well.

At the closing ceremony, the results of the accumulated training that had been attended by the officers were announced. The first best participant was won by Muhammad Nur Fausin, the second was won by Hasnawiyah, and the third best was won by Ariawati. Congratulations to the officers who achieved the best results, hopefully they can carry out the data collection smoothly and optimally.

Congratulations once again to the officers, keep up the spirit in carrying out your duties in the field. Hopefully the data collection can run smoothly and achieve good results.

Let's continue to advance the nation together with data!
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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