Southeast Sulawesi Province BPS RAKORDA Award 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Southeast Sulawesi Province BPS RAKORDA Award 2023

Southeast Sulawesi Province BPS RAKORDA Award 2023

December 13, 2023 | Other Activities

Hello #SahabatData

Thursday (7/12) a Regional Coordination Meeting of all BPS of Southeast Sulawesi Province was held in Bau-Bau City, Southeast Sulawesi. This Rakorda activity was attended by all Regency/City BPS throughout Southeast Sulawesi and BPS Southeast Sulawesi Province.


At this event, awards were also given to the best work units for all BPS districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi. BPS Kolaka Regency succeeded in winning the 1st Best award in the Village of Love Statistics (CANTIK) category and 1st Best in the General Section Work Team category.


Of course, this award cannot be separated from the hard work and hard work of the related work team and all BPS Kolaka Regency employees in carrying out the duties and obligations that have been given.


Let's continue to advance the nation together with data!

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