April 10, 2023 | Other Activities
The opening of the Kolaka Regency FKP REGSOSEK Assistant Facilitator Training was held on Thursday (10/04) at the Sutan Raja Hotel, Kolaka Regency. This event was opened by the Head of BPS Kolaka Regency, Ade Ida Mane, SST., M.Sc. This training was held for two days with two regional instructors namely Darmin Laipo, S.Stat. and Siti Rohima, A.Md. Stats.
The first day of training began with a pre test which was attended by all participants. On the first day, explained about the FKP mechanism and several definitional concepts that the Assistant Facilitator had to understand. The training participants were enthusiastic and actively asked questions during the training.
The second day, the training was held again with the agenda of continuing to understand the FKP mechanism and carrying out a simulation of the FKP implementation. The training went well and good. At the end of the class a post test was carried out to see how far the participants' understanding had been after being trained. The results of the pre-test and post-test recaps with the best scores were announced at the closing of the training by the Head of General Subdivision of BPS Kolaka Regency, Agung Darwin, SST.
At the end of his remarks, the Head of BPS Kolaka advised to always maintain communication between officers involved in FKP so that FKP activities would later go according to plan. Furthermore, the assistant facilitator training event was officially closed by the Head of BPS Kolaka Regency on Tuesday (11/04) at 17.30 WITA.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Kolaka (Statistics of Kolaka Regency)Jl. Pahlawan No.75
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