Briefing PDT IHPB Survey, PAW Survey, and POLDIS Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Briefing PDT IHPB Survey, PAW Survey, and POLDIS Survey

Briefing PDT IHPB Survey, PAW Survey, and POLDIS Survey

March 30, 2023 | BPS Activities

The Large Price Index Weighing Chart Improvement Survey (SPDT IHPB) will soon be carried out in the first period, in April 2023. As a preparation for carrying out this survey, an officer briefing will be held on Tuesday (21/03). This briefing was attended by three partner officers who will carry out the enumeration in the field. It is hoped that with this briefing, the SPDT IHPB survey enumeration can run well and optimally.

Meanwhile, apart from the PDT IHPB Survey, an Inter-Regional Trade Survey (PAW) and a Distribution Pattern Survey (POLDIS) will soon be carried out. These two surveys will begin field enumeration in March to May. Similar to the PDT IHP Survey, these two surveys were also briefed by the Kolaka District BPS Distribution Team to five partner field enumerators. This briefing was held on Thursday (30/03) at the Kolaka Regency BPS Office. The purpose of the briefing is of course to prepare officers who will go to the field so that it runs smoothly and as expected.


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