October 2021 combined inflation of 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi is - 0.65 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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October 2021 combined inflation of 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi is - 0.65 percent

October 2021 combined inflation of 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi is - 0.65 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2021
File Size : 0.73 MB


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  • ??October 2021 the combined inflation of 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi is 0.65 percent. The deepest deflation occurred in Kendari at 0.70 percent
  • In October 2021 there was a deflation of 0.65 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 107.27. Of the 90 CPI cities, 22 cities experienced deflation and 68 cities experienced inflation. The deepest deflation occurred in Kendari of 0.70 percent with a CPI of 107.98 and the lowest occurred in Bengkulu of 0.02 percent with a CPI of 105.89. Meanwhile, the highest inflation occurred in Sampit at 2.06 percent with a CPI of 109.30 and the lowest occurred in Sumenep and Banyuwangi at 0.02 percent each with a CPI of 106.21 and 104.64, respectively.
  • The inflation rate for the calendar year (January–October) 2021 is 2.02 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (October 2021 against October 2020) is 2.56 percent.
  • ??Commodities contributing to deflation include scad fish/benggol fish, selar fish/tude fish, anchovies, mackerel/bloated fish/banyar fish/gembolo fish/aso-aso fish, and skipjack/scaled fish.
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