February 2016, the city of Kendari experienced inflation of 0.07 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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February 2016, the city of Kendari experienced inflation of 0.07 percent

Release Date : March 1, 2016
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Inflation Kendari City in February 2016 , was recorded at 0.07 percent in the Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) 119.90 . Nationally from 82 cities that calculates inflation , thirty cities recorded inflation and fifty- two cities recorded deflation . The highest inflation was recorded in Tanjung Pandan ( Lampung ) 1.02 percent and the lowest inflation was recorded at 0.02 percent of Banda Aceh . Meanwhile , the biggest deflation was recorded in the town of Merauke ( Papua Province ) 2.95 per cent .

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