January 2016 , the city of Kendari experienced inflation of 1.49 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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January 2016 , the city of Kendari experienced inflation of 1.49 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2016
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Kendari City in January 2016, was recorded at 1.49 percent in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) 119.82. Nationally from 82 cities that calculates inflation, seventy-five cities recorded inflation and deflation recorded at seven cities. The highest inflation rate was recorded in Kota Sibolga (Sumatra Utara Province) 1.82 percent and the lowest inflation was recorded in Padang 0.02 percent. Meanwhile, the highest deflation was recorded in the city of Gorontalo (Gorontalo) 0.58 percent.

Inflation in Kendari recorded due to the rising price index at 6.35 percent foodstuffs; food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco at 1.10 percent; housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel by 0.20 percent; 0.19 per cent of health and education, recreation and sport 0.07 percent. While the group recorded a negative, namely, transport, communication and financial services 0.83 percent and 0.07 percent clothing.

Commodities that contributed the greatest inflation is eggs; bloated / puffy; skipjack; rice; red onion; tomatoes; banana; electricity tariff; Tomato fruit and chili sauce.

Commodities contributing to deflation is gasoline; household fuel; cooking oil; solar; collared shirt; young bean leaves; Kale; chicken meat; apple and briefs
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