Employment circumstances in August 2015 , Unemployment Rate Amounting to 5.55 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Employment circumstances in August 2015 , Unemployment Rate Amounting to 5.55 Percent

Release Date : September 1, 2015
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  • The labor force in Sulawesi Tenggara in August 2015 reached 1,138,045 people, an increase of about 52 536 persons (4.84 percent) compared to August 2014 amounted to 1,085,509 persons. The number of people who work in Sulawesi Tenggara in August 2015 reached 1,074,916 people, increased by 37 497 persons (3.61 percent) compared to August 2014 amounted to 1,037,419 persons.
  • Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Sulawesi Tenggara in August 2015 reached 5.55 percent, an increase of 1.12 points compared TPT August 2014 amounted to 4.43 percent.
  • Agriculture, trade and services sectors respectively become the largest contributor to employment in August 2015, respectively 489 289 (45.52 percent), 191 053 (17.77 percent), and 183 733 (17.09 percent).
  • The employment situation in August 2015 compared to August 2014 was marked by the increasing number of workers in the agricultural sector amounted to 47 141 people (10.66 percent), the construction sector 11 258 people (18.40 percent), financial institutions sector 412 (2.45 percent) , While the sector has decreased employment is the mining sector, industry, electricity, gas and water, trade and restaurants, transport and services sectors. The mining sector decreased by 3,432 people (13.08 percent), the industrial sector amounted to 4 people (0.01 percent), electricity, gas and drinking water for 54 people (2.04 percent), trade 2,423 people (1, 25 per cent), transport sector 3,202 persons (7.02 per cent) and the service sector amounted to 12 199 persons (6.23 percent).
  • Judging from main employment status, most people in Sulawesi Tenggara working with status as a worker / employee / employee in the amount of 293 583 (27.31 percent) and the smallest permanent worker status sought assistance / workers are paid by 34 103 (3.17 percent).

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