February 2021: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 4.22 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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February 2021: Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) of 4.22 percent

Release Date : May 5, 2021
File Size : 1.01 MB


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  • The workforce in February 2021 was 1,381,479 people, an increase of 17,430 people (1.28 percentage points) compared to February 2020, and an increase of 30,387 people (2.25 percentage points) compared to August 2020.
  • The working population in Southeast Sulawesi in February 2021 was 1,323,236 people, an increase of 1,508 people (0.11 percentage points) compared to February 2020, and an increase of 34,004 people (2.64 percentage points) compared to August 20
  • 20. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) for February 2021 was 70.76 percent, a decrease of 0.48 percentage points compared to February 2020, and an increase of 0.93 percentage points compared to August 2020.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) for February 2021 was 4.22 percent, up 1.12 percentage points compared to February 2020, and down 0.36 percentage points compared to August 2020.
  •  In February 2021, 62.25 percent of the working population were informal workers with the percentage of informal workers falling 1.42 percentage points compared to February 2020.
  • The business fields that absorb the most working people are agriculture, forestry and fisheries, where the percentage of the working population reaches 35.91 percent in February 2021.
  •  In February 2021, 36.33 percent of the population worked partially (working hours less than 35 hours a week) including 8.20 percent underemployed and 28.13 percent part-time workers.
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