Chili production Sulawesi Tenggara in 2014 amounting to 6.819 tonnes - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Chili production Sulawesi Tenggara in 2014 amounting to 6.819 tonnes

Release Date : August 4, 2015
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Production of large fresh chili with stalk in 2014 amounted to 3,348 tons. Compared to the year 2013, an increase in production of 503 tonnes (17.68 percent). This increase is due to increased harvested area of 21 acres (3.09 percent) and an increase in productivity of 0.60 tonnes per hectare (14.24 per cent) than in 2013.

Production of fresh chili with stalk in 2014 amounted to 6819 tons. Compared to the year 2013, an increase in production of 1,951 tonnes (40.06 percent). This increase was due to higher productivity of 1.46 tonnes per hectare (33.75 per cent) and harvested area increased by 53 acres (4.72 percent) compared to the year 2013.

Production of onion bulbs with leaves in 2014 amounted to 369 tons. Compared to 2013, production increased by 323 tons (701.96 percent). This increase is caused by the increased productivity of 3.98 tonnes per hectare (760.64 percent) although the harvested area decreased by 6 hectares (6.82 percent) compared to the year 2013.

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