Southeast Sulawesi's NTP in December 2020 was recorded at 97.28 or an increase of 0.50 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 96.80. NTP of each subsector is listed as follows: Food Crops Subsector (NTPP) 97.06; Horticulture subsector (NTPH) 104.74; People's Plantation Crops Subsector (NTPR) 94.13; Animal Husbandry Subsector (NTPT) 103.71 and Fisheries Subsector (NTNP) 99.70. Meanwhile, the National NTP Index was 103.25, an increase of 0.37 percent from the previous 102.86.
In December 2020, nationally 26 provinces experienced an increase in NTP, while 8 other provinces experienced a decrease in NTP. The highest increase was recorded in Riau Province, amounting to 2.37 percent, while the largest decrease was recorded in Aceh Province at 1.12 percent.
In December 2020, Southeast Sulawesi experienced rural inflation of 0.48 percent
The Exchange Rate of Agricultural Household Businesses (NTUP) in Southeast Sulawesi Province in December 2020 was 97.83, an increase of 0.85 percent compared to NTUP in November 2020 of 97.01.