Visit was carried out by BPS Kota Kendari to Cinta Statistik Tahoa Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Visit was carried out by BPS Kota Kendari to Cinta Statistik Tahoa Village

Visit was carried out by BPS Kota Kendari to Cinta Statistik Tahoa Village

July 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #SahabatData

Friday (26/7) a visit was carried out by BPS Kota Kendari to Cinta Statistik Tahoa Village. This visit was a series of study tour events that had been carried out the day before.

Of course, this visit aims to see how the development of the Cinta Statistik village that was designed in Tahoa Village last year. It is hoped that this visit can provide examples and benefits for work units so that they can maximize the development process of the beautiful village which will be implemented again this year.

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