Beautiful Village, IKPA, Sharing Benchmarking SDI Study of BPS Kendari City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Beautiful Village, IKPA, Sharing Benchmarking SDI Study of BPS Kendari City

Beautiful Village, IKPA, Sharing Benchmarking SDI Study of BPS Kendari City

July 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #SahabatData

On Thursday (26/7) a Beautiful Village, IKPA, Sharing Benchmarking SDI Study of BPS Kendari City was held at the BPS Kolaka Regency office. This activity began at 13.00 WITA at the BPS Kolaka Regency Meeting Room. This event was attended by the Head of BPS Kendari City, Sultriawati Efendy, SP., M.S., Head of BPS Kolaka Regency, Ade Ida Mane, S.ST., M.Sc., together with BPS Kendari City staff, BPS Kolaka Regency staff, and representatives of the Tahoa Village apparatus.

The event began with sharing about IKPA followed by a study of the Beautiful Village of Tahoa Village which was included in the top 10 nationally in 2023. The study process went smoothly and well. The implementation of this activity was also accompanied by a discussion from BPS Kendari City together with BPS Kolaka Regency.

This sharing process certainly aims to develop the work unit to share knowledge that is beneficial for each work unit. With this activity, it is expected to be able to improve achievement and literacy and can support the work implementation process optimally.

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