Total passenger Air Transport at Sulawesi Province Southeast of June 2020 increased by 686.69 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Total passenger Air Transport at Sulawesi Province Southeast of June 2020 increased by 686.69

Release Date : August 3, 2020
File Size : 1.5 MB


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  • The number of domestic air transport passengers in June 2020 was 19,801 people, up 686.69 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded as 2,517 people.
  • The number of domestic sea transportation passengers in June 2020 was 193,317 people, an increase of 100.49 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 96,421 people.
  • Cumulatively, the number of domestic air transport passengers in 2020 (January - June 2020) was 428,751 people, down 41.81 percent compared to the same period in the previous year (January - June 2019), which was recorded at 736,801 people.
  • While the number of domestic sea transport passengers in 2020 (January - June 2020) was recorded at 1,256,914 people, down 58.61 percent compared to the same period in the previous year (January - June 2019), which recorded as many as 3,036,655 people.
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