The development of Farmer Terms of Sulawesi Tenggara province in July 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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The development of Farmer Terms of Sulawesi Tenggara province in July 2015

Release Date : August 1, 2015
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  • Sulawesi Tenggara NTP index in July 2015 was recorded 100.35 or an increase of 1.57 percent over the previous month was recorded at 98.80. NTP index each subsector recorded as follows: food crops subsector (NTPP) 90.58; Horticulture Subsector (NTPH) 93.07; Smallholder Crop Subsector (NTPR) 104.84; Livestock Subsector (NTPT) 107.04 and Fisheries Subsector (NTNP) 104.30. While the National NTP index of 100.97, up by 0.44 percent from the previous 100.52.
  • In July 2015, the national 22 provinces experienced an increase in NTP index, while 11 other provinces experienced a decline in the index. The highest increase was recorded in Sulawesi Tenggara province in the amount of 1.57 percent, while the largest decrease was recorded in Riau Province amounted to 1.56 percent.
  • On July 2015, Sulawesi Tenggara Province recorded an inflation rate of 0.11 percent rural. This occurs because of the increase in the price index in six categories: food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco rose 0.34 percent; housing 0.20 percent; clothing 2.28 percent; health 0.03 percent; education, recreation and sports increased by 0.20 percent; and kelompol transportation and communication rose by 0.37 percent ;. While the decline is a foodstuff by 0.34 percent.
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