May 2015, Kendari city inflation rate was 0,64 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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May 2015, Kendari city inflation rate was 0,64 percent.

Release Date : June 1, 2015
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Inflation Kendari City in May 2015 , was recorded at 0.64 percent in the Consumer Price Index ( CPI ) 115.35. Nationally from 82 cities which calculates inflation , 81 cities recorded inflation and 1 cities recorded deflation , the highest inflation was recorded in Palu ( Central Sulawesi province ) at  2.24 percent and the City of Tual ( Maluku ) 1.59 percent . Meanwhile , the biggest deflation was recorded in the City of Bandar Lampung ( Bangka Belitung ) 0.61 percent .

Inflation in Kendari recorded due to the rising price index on food, beverages , cigarettes and tobacco 2.06 percent ; groceries 1.97 percent ; health 0.60 percent ; education , recreation and sport 0.11 percent , and housing , water , electricity , gas and fuel 0.07 percent . While the group of Clothing and Transportation , Communication, and Financial Services respectively recorded deflation of 0.39 percent and 0.15 percent .

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