Sulawesi Tenggara CPI in March 2015 was inflated 0,57 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Sulawesi Tenggara CPI in March 2015 was inflated 0,57 percent

Release Date : April 1, 2015
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  • Inflation Kendari City on March 2015 , was recorded at 0,57 percent and the Consumer Price Index (CP 114,65. Nationally from 82 cities, 54 cities recorded inflation and 28 cities recorded Deflation . The highes inflation was recorded in Manokwari city ( West Papua Province ) 0,84 percent and Watampone City ( Sout Sulawesi ) 0,83 percent . While the biggest deflation recorded in Tanjung Pandan ( Bangka Belitung ) 1,9 percent and Merauke ( Papua Province ) 1,03 percent.
  • Inflation occurs in Kendari recorded due to an increase in the price index in all groups , namely the increase in health group index of 1,64 percent ; clothing 1,21 percent ; transport , communication and financial service 0,97 percent ; prepared food, beverages , cigarettes and tobacco, 0,64 percent ; housing , water , electricity gas and fuel 0,38 percent ; foodstuffs 0,10; education , recreation and sport 0,05 percent .
  • Commodities that contributed the biggest inflation are rice ; gasoline ; prescription drugs ; household fuels ; rice with a side dish ; spinach ; motorcycle; rent a house; car and sandals.
  • Commodities that contributed the largest deflation are Rambe ; skipjack; mackerel scad; tomato fruit ; ho pepper; sardines fish ; long eggplant ; yellow tail fish , pomfret fish and tomatoes.
  • Of the eleven city on Sulawesi Island , 8 cities are inflation and 3 cities are deflation. The highest inflation in Watampone city 0,83 percent with CPI 116,02 and the lowest in Bulukumba city 0,20 percent with CPI 124,49.
  • Inflation rate of Kendari by calendar year ( January-March 2015) recorded -1.30 percent and the inflation rate year-on -year ( March 2015 to March 2014 ) recorded 6.81 percent.
  • Inflation rate of Kendari by calendar year ( January-March) 2014 recorded -0,76 percent and the inflation rate year on year ( March 2014 to March 2013 ) recorded at 5,13 percent.
  • National inflation on March 2015 was recorded at 0,17 percent and the rate of inflation (January to March 2015 -0,44 percent and the inflation rate year on year ( March 2015 to March 2014 ) amounted to 6,38 percent.
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