Wearing a light blue kebaya, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti took the oath of office as the eleventh Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) at the State Palace today (19/2). Apart from the Head of BPS, President Prabowo also appointed Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi as Deputy Head of BPS. Also present to witness the inauguration were Plt. BPS Main Secretary, Dadang Hardiwan.
Amalia previously served as Expert Staff for Leading Sector Development and Digital Innovation at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and was Acting. Head of BPS since July 2023. Meanwhile Sonny is a member of the Statistical Society Forum for the 2023-2024 period.
In a press statement after the inauguration, Amalia said that BPS was tasked with overseeing the finalization and updating of the realization of the Single National Socio-Economic Data for targeting development programs in accordance with Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2025.
On the same day, Amalia and Sonny also immediately greeted all Echelons 1 and 2 of the central BPS in Building 3, Floor 1 of BPS. "Mr Sonny and I are here to make BPS more advanced and more active for this country," said Amalia happily. Sonny, who was first introduced to the BPS leadership, said, "I will help the Head as much as possible. We are grateful that the President is very welcoming and supportive of BPS. Hopefully we can work together."
Congratulations on carrying out your duties for a more advanced BPS!