Sumpah Pemuda Day 28 October - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Sumpah Pemuda Day 28 October

Sumpah Pemuda Day 28 October

October 28, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #SahabatData

Every October 28th is the commemoration of Youth Pledge Day. This year's commemoration is the 96th commemoration with the theme "Advancing Together with Greater Indonesia". Together with this theme, Indonesian youth are expected to be better able to collaborate for national unity and be able to advance a competitive Indonesian nation.

Together with the three points of the Youth Pledge, the nation's youth can implement these guidelines to jointly carry out transformations in the fields of education, health, leadership, socio-culture, technology, and economy as a manifestation of Indonesia's development in diversity.

Of course, the moment of Youth Pledge Day is an important point for all Indonesian people to continue to prioritize the interests of the nation, realize the nation's ideals, and participate in advancing a better Indonesian nation.

Let's collaborate and synergize together by adhering to national unity for the progress of Greater Indonesia!

Happy Youth Pledge Day! Continue to raise the determination and spirit of the nation's youth to improve the welfare of the Indonesian nation!
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