International Labor Day 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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International Labor Day 2024

International Labor Day 2024

May 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #Data Friends

May 1 is celebrated as International Workers' Day. This commemoration began in 1948, which was marked by the ratification of Law no. 12 of 1948 by President Soekarno.

Labor Day is a moment for workers to celebrate and commemorate all the achievements and hard work that have been done to advance the economy and national development. Through Labor Day, people can commemorate the struggle of workers to obtain their rights and their contribution to society at large.

Apart from that, the commemoration of Labor Day is a moment to continue the achievements and respect for workers throughout Indonesia to achieve equality and prosperity.

Did #SahabatData know, in Kolaka Regency there is a 65.21% Labor Force Participation Rate or it can be interpreted that for every 100 people of working age (15 years and over) there are 65 people in the labor force. (Source BPS Kolaka Regency)

From this data, we should appreciate the workers' efforts in carrying out their work and in advancing the Indonesian nation.

Happy International Labor Day!
Keep moving forward, workers, in the spirit of unity in the struggle for a better Indonesia!
Working together creates competent workers/laborers!
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