Workshop on Metadata Management and BIMTEK for the Domain E-Walidata Application - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kolaka Regency

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Workshop on Metadata Management and BIMTEK for the Domain E-Walidata Application

Workshop on Metadata Management and BIMTEK for the Domain E-Walidata Application

August 7, 2023 | Other Activities

Workshop on Metadata Management and BIMTEK for the Domain E-Walidata Application was held on Monday (07/08) in the Hall of Hotel Sutan Raja, Kolaka Regency. This activity aims to provide training in filling out metadata questionnaires by all Kolaka Regency OPDs as well as management of the BIMTEK E-Walidata application.

The opening was carried out by the Head of the Kolaka Regency Communication and Information Service (KOMINFO), Drs. I Nyoman Swastika, M.Si. He said that this workshop was important for realizing electronic-based government and for realizing One Data Indonesia (SDI) so that there is one perception in the data. Furthermore, remarks and a brief presentation from the Head of the Kolaka Regency Central Bureau of Statistics, Ade Ida Mane, S.ST., M.Si. In his presentation, he briefly explained the importance of data needs for the progress of a nation and one of the objectives is to achieve the implementation of an electronic-based government system and One Data Indonesia (SDI). Metadata is a sectoral statistic which can then support the achievement of SDI so as to obtain easy access to data for both the central and regional governments.

The event then continued with a metadata management workshop presented by Muh. Shamad, S.ST., from BPS Kolaka Regency. The initial explanation regarding basic statistics and continued with an explanation regarding filling out the metadata questionnaire includes three questionnaires, namely Activity Statistics Metadata, Indicator Statistics Metadata, and Variable Statistical Metadata. The deadline for filling out the sectoral statistical metadata questionnaire is until early September. The training continued with an explanation of the BIMTEK E-Walidata application explained by the Kolaka Regency Communication and Information Service (KOMINFO). After holding all workshops and discussion events, it was closed with an appeal to all OPDs to fill out a statistical metadata questionnaire.
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